




. 最後の貸し手機能の際の中央銀行の利益

.1 最近のイングランド銀行


BOEはイングランド銀行、MFIMonetary financial institution は銀行、引当は貸倒引当。銀行は右目盛りで、左右のスケールが50倍違う。BOEの会計は翌年の2月占めなので、例えば1980年なら、1981年の2月までの1年間である。

データはBOEAnnual Report、銀行はBank of England | Database 引当前がGFAB5RJ – Annual、引当後がGFAB5RL – Annual  



.2 最近のアメリカFRB

 データは、FRBAnnual ReportNet income before providing for remittances to the Treasury2016年のAnnual Reportp.326191415年から一括してある。不況の判断はNBERによる。

市中銀行はFDICBankFind Suite: Find Annual Historical Bank DataNet Income (NETINC)



長期的な傾向としては、1980年代初頭までは金利上昇による利益の増加傾向、リーマンショック後の不況対策としてのLarge Scale Asset Purcahse: LSAP)による資産増加による利益の増加傾向などもあるだろうがここでは省略する。(念のためだが、最後の貸し手と不況対策は異なる)

.3 19世紀のイングランド銀行


データはThe Bank of England as lender of last resort: new historical evidence from daily transactional data




. FRB元議長のBernankeの話

Bernanke [2013] The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis, p.99  (訳書『連邦準備制度と金融危機―バーナンキFRB理事会議長による大学生向け講義録』)



Let me say a few words about the land of last resort programs. As I have already argued at some length, the programs did appear to be effective. they arrested to runs on the various types of the financial institutions and they restored financial market functioning. The programs, which were instituted primarily in fall of 2008, were mostly phased out by the March 2010. And they were phased out really in two different ways.

 First, some of the programs just come came to end. But more often, in making loans to provide liquidity to financial institutions, the Fed would charge an interest rate that was lower than the crisis rate, the panic rate, but higher than the normal interest rate. And so as the financial systems calmed down and rates came back down to more normal levels, it was no longer economically and financially attractive for the institution to keep borrowing from the Fed, and so the program wound down quite naturally. We did not have to shut them down; they basically disappeared on their own.

 The financial risk that Federal Reserve took in the lender of last resort programs were quite minimal. As I have described, lending was mostly short time. It was backed by the collateral in the most cases. In December 2010, we reported to Congress all the detail involved in the twenty-one thousand loans that the Fed made during the crisis. Of the twenty-one thousand loans, zero defaulted. Every single one was paid back. So even though the objective of the program was stabilizing the system rather than profit making, the taxpayers did come out ahead on those loans.


